Pokemon SCARY platinum

Once I was playing pokemon on my ds ( it was platinum ) i wish I never did.a guy in the game walked up to me and said stop playing this game if you want to lice" I thought it was part of the game and capt on playing the game suddenly a monster wasin the game i thougt he was just a new type of pokemon before he said IM GOING TO KILL YOU and then a bloody hand with two of his fingers cut off popped out of the screen. I just threw my ds across the room and went to wash tv oh boy i wish I hadnet .It was on the pokemon show which is wierd because when id first turn off the tv it was on adulet swim. SO i was a little bit creeped out in the show ash catch them was crying it then cut to pikachus dead body with hyper realistic blood all over him and his tail cut off. Then the head of ash that was supper hyper realistic popped out of the scren and said come join us. BEing the retard that I am I walked into the tv. Now I am pokemon world and am super scaared that pokemon will eat me please help me

'' THE END :) also frowny face cause im in pokeon world :( ''